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Stakeholders meet to validate Zambia’s Access to Information Regulations, Guidelines and Rules
  • By Panos
  • September 18, 2024
  • No Comments

Stakeholders meet to validate Zambia’s Access to Information Regulations, Guidelines and Rules

Lusaka, 18 September 2024: USAID Open Spaces Zambia (OSZ) in collaboration with the Ministry of Information and Media – Zambia (MIM) is this week facilitating a three-day stakeholder meeting in Lusaka to validate draft Regulations, Guidelines and Rules for the Access to Information (ATI) law.
In opening the meeting which runs from 18th to 20th September 2024 , the Director – Press and Media Development in the Ministry of Information and Media, Mr. Mumanga M. Mayembe stated that the meeting was called to consolidate stakeholder submissions to draft regulations, guidelines and rules that were earlier circulated for their comments. He underscored the importance of the gathering in building stakeholder consensus on the contents of the regulatory instruments, and reaffirmed government’s commitment to ensuring that the entire ATI law effected by a Statutory Instrument (SI) in June 2024 is fully operational in the shortest possible time.
Open Spacs Zambia Chief of Party, Ms. Teldah Mawarire making her remarks during the meeting
Open Spacs Zambia Chief of Party, Ms. Teldah Mawarire making her remarks during the meeting

Speaking at the same event, the Chief of Party for Open Spaces Zambia, Ms. Teldah Mawarire underlined the significance of access to information as key element of democracy, which promotes good governance anchored on diverse voices and citizen participation in democratic processes.

Ms. Mawarire commended the Ministry of Information and the Technical Working Group (TWG) for the inclusive and consultative manner they have managed the process leading to the enactment of the ATI law and the development of the three legal documents being considered by the meeting. She urged the stakeholders to maximize the opportunity provided by the meeting to firm up the documents being validated and expedite actualization of the intents of the ATI law.
She further reiterated that access to information requires a whole culture change for a positive response that can only result from a good understanding and application of the ATI law, especially proactive disclosure of information which is the heart of ATI, and responsible use of ATI. She stated that these are fundamentals stakeholders should take into consideration as they sensitize citizens about ATI.
USAID Open Spaces Zambia which is implemented by a consortium comprising FHI 360, Internews Network ZambiaI, Panos Institute Southern Africa (PSAf), MISA Zambia and Bloggers Of Zambia has since inception been part of the process to actualize access to information in Zambia, from drafting and enactment of the ATI law to the current development of the regulations, guidelines and rules.